Morpheus : The Matrix is a system, Neo.
That system is our enemy.
But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see?
Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters.
The very minds of the people we are trying to save.
But until we do, these people are still a part of that system,
and that makes them our enemy.

Morpheus : You have to understand
most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inert
so hopelessly dependant on the system
that they will fight to protect it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

المهم يسرا الهواري What Matters - Youssra Elhawary

المهم تكون مرتاح

المهم تكون لقيت نفسك حقيقي سعيد
المهم تكون عرفت انه قرار سليم

المهم تكون لقيت نفسك بجد سعيد
المهم تكون لقيتني مش فارقة كتير

ومش مهم .. ولا مهم . ولا حتي مهم 
مش مهم .. اي حاجة مش مهم
المهم انك مبسوط
المهم انك مرتاح

المهم ان اي حاجة تانية مش فارقة كتير

I hope you're happy now
I hope you're satisfied now
I hope you found true happiness
I hope you're sure you took the right decision
I hope you're really really happy
and you know now .. that i am not worth it

and nothing else matters
you are happy .. you are satisfied 
and nothing else matters

يونيو ٢٠١٢

تأليف و تلحين و اكورديون و غناء : يسرا الهوّاري
الفيديو: سلام يسري

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